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Date. December, 21 2013 (5 to 9 UTC).

Bands. 10, 15, 20, 40 и 80 meters.

Mode. CW и SSB.

Participants. Hams worldwide.

Entry classes. All bands MIXED only for five classes: single op — commemorative, multi op — commemorative, single op — other than commemorative, multi op — other than commemorative, SWL.

Valid QSO. All, including inside own QTH. QSO with the same station is allowed on different bands and on the same band but different mode.

Exchange. RS(T) and operator’s age. Multi op stations send RS(T) and average age of the team (sum of operator’s ages divided by number of operators). Contest participants who wish to commemorate of Silent Key friend may give additional information which gives additional points for score. Example – UA3WW DE RU3AX 59971 UA3AM 68 (68 – UA3AM age at the decease).

Points. Age as received in Contest exchange scores 1 point each year. Points from commemorative stations Contest exchange is sum of ages – 139 points for sample shown above. No multiplier is used in this Contest. Scoring for SWL’s is similar.

Awards. All participants in this Contest commemorative Entry classes will receive «Radio» Magazine Contest awards.

Logs. Address for cabrillo electronic logs is contest@radio.ru , for paper logs is «Radio» Magazine, 10 Seliverstov per., 107045 Moscow, Russia. Deadline for logs is January, 6 2013.






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